Monday, November 21, 2011

Holiday Gift Buying

Well, it's about that time again. Thanksgiving is a few days away (delicious) and then come the other holidays. The present giving holidays. The ones where you bestow beautiful gifts on the people you love, all in the hopes of putting a smile on their face and giving them something new and wonderful to use/wear/play with/love.

What could be better, you ask? Well, apparently when you're me, going shopping for yourself is better than shopping for other people.
Now hold on before you go getting all judgy on me.

Every November, (ie: the beginning of the cold season, ie: no more summer clothes, ie: WHAT AM I GOING TO WEAR?!) All the stores go into holiday mode with ridiculous sales. 30% off my entire purchase? Yes, I will be buying that sweater, a pair of pants, scarf, and ohh look at those necklaces!

November feels far too early to do any holiday gift shopping. Perhaps that's the procrastinator in me, but until December rolls around, I can't seem to equate shopping with buying gifts for people. So I end up going into stores, lured in by their sales (you tricky marketing people, you!), rationalizing (as I mentioned before) that I need new winter clothes, and spending money. On myself. Am I the only one who falls into this trap? I can't possibly be. Or maybe I just suck at not shopping. hmm...

Now, don't get me wrong, I certainly do love buying gifts for people, especially when I think it's the PERFECT gift and know they'll adore it. But...until December rolls around...

So with that in mind, here are some things I've been coveting:

This fabulous Jcrew sweater with pink sequins. Practical? No. Affordable? No. Beautiful and fun and perfect and I want to own it? Yes.

Really now. A sweater that sparkles.

Can you ever really have enough plaid shirts? I mean, if I'm going to potentially possibly maybe ever live on a farm, I need to stock up. 8 is not enough. I need 9. actually, theres a blue one similar to this that I probably need also, if we're being realistic...

This watch. Now, I already have a really awesome Marc Jacobs watch, so I'm having a rough time figuring out a justification for this one, but boy is she perty. 

Confetti Ornaments. I LOVE CONFETTI! wait a minute...perhaps this could be a gift to give someone else! Aha! 

Anyway, I suppose my point in all of this is...well, i'm not sure I have a point. But shopping has been on my mind, and I've felt (mildly) selfish for only wanting to shop for I figured...I should probably write about it.

In other news, (AKA: why I haven't been blogging very often) I've been getting A's on all my school assignments. woo-hoo!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

30 by 30

30 by 30. A list of 30 things to accomplish by the age of 30. I have 5 years to go.

In no particular order, I present my list:

1. Leave New York
2. Graduate College
3. Earn a Masters Degree
4. Run a half marathon
5. Go to Asia
6. Go to Australia
7. Buy a car
8. Ride an elephant
9. Drive cross-country
10. Cut my hair short
11. Go to Mardi Gras
12. Own a bicycle and ride it often
13. Start my career in interior design and NEVER WORK IN A RESTAURANT AGAIN
14. Be a vegetarian for 3 months
15. Get Married
16. Support myself financially
17. Live in a house
18. Keep up with friendships
19. Buy a Louis Vuitton bag
20. See the pyramids in Egypt
21. Visit Berlin
22. Settle into a home I love
23. Pay off all my credit card bills and achieve good credit!
24. Save $5,000
25. Enjoy yoga
26. Learn how to use a camera. properly.
27. Be proud of myself
28. Be a good daughter
29. Spend all the time with my family that I can
30. Be happy with who I am

So there you have it. Some of them are more important to me than others, but all of them are things that I want (or wanted and achieved). Perhaps my list will change as time goes by, perhaps not. But as it stands right now, this is my list. And if you happen to have the means to help me achieve any of these...DO IT! TAKE ME TO GERMANY! TEACH ME TO USE A CAMERA! ENLIGHTEN ME ON THE ART OF YOGA!!!