Friday, April 29, 2011

Goodbye Winter

I live in a small New York City apartment with 2 of my oldest childhood friends. We live in a three bedroom, fifth floor walk up on the Upper West Side, the same neighborhood we all grew up in.
For each perk of living in the City, there is an equally miserable drawback. The one my attention is focused on today is...(drum roll please)...lack of closet space. my hangers are doubled up, my dresses are wrinkled from being cramped so tightly together. And, since it's been winter the whole time we've lived here, (4 months) I have all of my cold weather clothes and not much of my summer wardrobe. The summer clothes are at my parents house. Which means I have to pack up all my winter stuff, lug it on over to my parents place, and exchange it all for summer stuff. Not.Fun.

So un-fun, in fact, that it was clearly a perfect opportunity to sit down and write. And drink coffee. and readjust my curtains. and eat some crackers with hummus. and try on my new swim suit for the fifteenth time. Um...I guess it's time I get started on the closet.


10 minutes into the cleaning out of the closet, and i'm being much less picky about what I "might" wear on cool spring days. Usually I have a hard time parting with things, even though technically I'm only parting with them for a season...but how do I know I won't want to wear a black wool sweater in July??? It could happen! Maybe! But i guess, if it does, I can just go get it from my parents house.
And into the bag goes the black wool sweater.


2 huge suitcases and an hour and a half later and i'm done! And, may I add, my closet is now color coordinated.

This is the final product (I wish I had taken a "before" photo as well, but...oops, I didn't.)
My newly organized closet

It's a nice feeling to accomplish something that seems daunting. And today was the perfect opportunity for me to get it done.

I work in a restaurant, and have recently switched over to working nights only, as opposed to previously working days only. This leaves me with copious amounts of free time during the day, so while my 2 roommates and most of my other friends are at their 9-5's, I have little to occupy my time with. I'm on week two of this new work schedule, and filling my days with productive activity is proving to be no easy task. So far, I've given myself 3 manicures, watched almost 3 entire seasons of a show called Say Yes to the Dress, and I've gone jogging. A lot. Oh, i've also read samples of about 5 books on my kindle. I have a hard time deciding whether I'll continue to enjoy a book after reading the sample, so more often than not I don't end up purchasing them. I have read the first few chapters of more books than I can even begin to count. I did, however, commit to Tina Fey's book this morning, and shelled out $12.99 for it. Hope it's good.

Well, it seems i've passed a suitable amount of time today. Time to get ready for work.

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