Thursday, October 6, 2011


It's been a while, I know, I'm sorry.

It seems that since I last wrote, the entire format of Blogger has been updated (ie: CHANGED! WHAT'S GOING ON! FIRST FACEBOOK AND NOW THIS! AHHHHH!!!). I suppose I'll get used to it. What other choice do I really have?

So, in the weeks (months?) that have passed, I've been knee deep in school, work, school related work, and everything in between. I really find that things are either stagnant or moving a bajillion (yes that's the technical term) miles a minute in my life. All or nothing, all the time. It's hard to manage sometimes, but, just like dealing with the new blogger format, what choice do I have? It is what it is.

I happen to be sick today, laying in bed with a gross cold. Stuffy nose, sore throat, the whole deal. It's not fun. But it's given me an opportunity to write, so write I will.

Last week, BF, who's from the Mid West, proposed a potentially life-altering idea to me. His uncle and grandfather both own a great deal of farm land in Wisconsin, where they have dairy cows. BF wants to (potentially) move out to the cow farm and expand it, turning the business into a high profit dairy cow milking farm.

Thing is...

The farm is in the middle of n-o-w-h-e-r-e. As in....
that red dot.

Now, I would love to have a farm. I'd love to have horses, cows, chickens, a garden, I'd love to wake up early and care for animals, I'd enjoy it...I think.
I've lived in a city for my entire life. 
Yes, I've spent time on various farms, and yes I loved it, but I have no real way of knowing whether I would still love it if it were my only way of life. Could I cut it being a farmer? being so far away from everything and everyone I hold dear to me? Will anyone care about my cute outfits? Will I be able to design? Do I want to be surrounded by the literal opposite of a melting-pot? Will the lack of culture destroy me? Are people intelligent and open minded out in the middle of Wisconsin? Will there even be other people out there in the middle of Wisconsin??

I've been stewing over all of this since he mentioned it. I've been thinking about it too much, most likely, but what can I say. It's exciting and scary and different and new. Of course I'm thinking about it.

I also just really like that picture showing where Greenwood, Wisconsin is located, and I wanted to use it for something.

If I'm still writing this blog five years from now, I may be writing from a cow farm in Wisconsin. Giddyup. I mean moo.

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