Thursday, May 3, 2012

1 Year

After doing some general maintenance of my blog, I realized that last week was my 1 year blog-iversary! HAPPY FIRST BLOG BIRTHDAY, ME!
How cool is that??

My posts have changed quite a bit from the time I started, which I always anticipated, but just recently began noticing. When I started the blog, I was in a transitional period of my life (which I tend to say about every period of my life...which...I guess is a good thing?) and not really sure what direction my blog would go in. Lifestyle blog? Angry waitress blog? New Yorker blog? humorous? serious? It was all very up in the air, and some of my earlier posts really reflect that. I'm sure there will continue to be a not-so-interesting post every here and there, but for now I've found a format I like: Lots of pictures, not a lot of words.

It may be reflective of how hectic my life is right now, but I find myself not wanting to invest much time in reading my favorite blogs. I just want to look at the pictures. Which begs the question, if I don't want to read the words, does anyone else?

Perhaps this will change, perhaps I'll go through many different phases of blog- style. But for now, save for this long winded post, I'll keep it short, pretty, and photo filled.

That's a picture of how you probably feel after reading all those words. 
And if you didn't read any of it...that's a picture of me in college! byyyeee!

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